Colon Hydrotherapy

Providing Colon Hydrotherapy in Townsville

Helping to Restore Gut Health

Colon Hydrotherapy is also referred to as Colonic Irrigation or Colonics. All of these are names for the safe and effective process, which uses warm, filtered water to hydrate and cleanse the colon of hardened waste, toxins, bad bacteria and parasites. This process of cleansing the colon also allows the body to better absorb and digest vital nutrients, re-tone and reshape the colon–improving bowel function. 

This form of cleansing prepares the gut to establish and sustain a healthier microbiome. Bowel health is essential for achieving and maintaining optimal health. If neglected, it can lead to an overload of toxic waste and an increased risk of disease, with these toxic materials getting reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. 

Jodie, The Colonic Coach, will guide you through all facets of the colon hydrotherapy process. To find out more, or book a session, get in touch today on 0422 666 782. Infrared sauna treatments and other general wellness offerings are also available. 

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The Process 

‘The Colonic Coach Cleansing Clinic’ offers a “Closed System” only, meaning that there is a certified Colon Hydrotherapist in the room throughout the entire process administering the treatment. Jodie uses disposable (single-use) TGA-approved speculum packs. 

After insertion of a speculum into the rectum, filtered water slowly and systematically travels around the colon during the 40-minute treatment to bathe the bowel, softening and breaking up blockages to expel from the body. The water pressure and temperature are controlled by the therapist to best support the individual client with the removal of toxins, gas, faecal matter, parasites, and mucoid plaque that lines the colon and corrupts its proper function.

Colon Hydrotherapy is beneficial to rejuvenate the colon muscles that may have been weakened and assists improvement of peristaltic activity for waste removal by cleaning and exercising the colon muscles. A gentle abdominal massage will be provided by the therapist to assist with release. 

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Before & After

Jodie does not promote any specific restrictions for “before or after.” However, Jodie does recommend reducing overconsumption of high-fat foods, dairy, meat products, caffeine, and alcohol. 

Jodie also promotes eating lighter and nutrient-dense whole foods. Fresh fruit juices, smoothies, fruit, and steamed vegetables are the easiest for the body to digest and allows the digestive system time to actually ‘rest and digest.’

Ceasing all fluid intake one hour prior to the appointment assists with not having a full bladder during the treatment (even though you will relieve your bladder immediately beforehand). 

Keeping hydration levels of purified or distilled water, fresh juices, herbal teas, and natural electrolyte beverages to an adequate level after the colonic is absolutely necessary. More information can be provided regarding “Before & After” recommendations by calling the clinic to discuss your individual situation. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Colon Hydrotherapy Safe?

    Yes. Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe and effective way to naturally cleanse the large intestine. Jodie uses high-standard TGA-registered equipment by qualified therapists. The system uses low-pressure (gravity-fed) filtered water and single-use pre-packaged speculum packs. Cleanliness and sanitation are top priorities at The Colonic Coach. A pre-consultation is required before treatment to assess each client for any contraindications or previous health issues that may pose a risk. If the client presents with a contraindication, approval is required by their specialist before treatment.

  • Is Colon Hydrotherapy painful?

    Painful, no. However, discomfort can present. Clients who have had severe digestive issues, or currently present with compaction, can present with symptoms of cramping during the treatment. This can also present in people who have a build-up of excess gas. Cramping can occur as the colon contracts to expel waste and gas. However, this is temporary and welcomed for the desired outcome.

  • What type of system is used? Is it ‘Closed’ or ‘Open’?

    Jodie uses a ‘Closed System’ only. A Closed Colonic system is therapist assisted. The therapist is with you for the entire treatment time, and the entire procedure is explained to the client. This makes the process less daunting, less stressful and more effective.

    Having a qualified Colonic therapist present through the treatment, you have the added benefit of receiving a consultation in combination with the procedure. Professional advice is freely given to enhance and promote good colon health. As a colonic therapist, Jodie is certified and insured. She will discuss your medical history in detail prior to the treatment to identify any contraindications.

  • How many colonic sessions are recommended?

    Initially, it is recommended to have 3-4 treatments weekly over a period of a month for more rapid results. Everyone’s needs are different and individual circumstances will determine the number of sessions required based on your identified health goals, intestinal health, hydration levels, dietary habits and lifestyle choices. Generally, the more severe or long-term your health issues are, the more treatments will be beneficial in the beginning. Through guidance on and implementation of a healthier diet and lifestyle, many choose to maintain their bowel health by having a colonic monthly for health maintenance.

    Some people ask why one session is not enough: While it is more beneficial than not having a colonic at all, we need to understand that the colon is around 5ft (150cm) in length, and it is often impacted with hardened waste. The first treatment begins the process of hydrating and softening the contents of the colon, and subsequent sessions keep this process of hydration and removal of waste and toxins ongoing.

  • Is Colon Hydrotherapy habit forming?

    No, colon hydrotherapy is not habit-forming. On the contrary, one of the features of colon hydrotherapy is the toning of the colon muscles, which helps in maintaining and resuming regular bowel movements.

  • Will I experience any detoxing symptoms?

    It is different for everybody. Some clients do not present with any detoxing symptoms; however, some others may. Symptoms may include feeling nauseous, headaches, lower energy levels or flu-like symptoms. While many clients experience the positive outcomes of a colonic, it can depend on the toxicity burden as to what they will experience while the body omits toxic substances. When an individual does present with detox symptoms, it is recommended to have another colonic within a few days as this can help speed up the detoxing process for a healthier self quicker.

  • After a colonic, will I need to be close to the toilet all day?

    Clients release through the colonic treatment and have time to use the toilet afterwards. Most releasing is done during this period. However, some clients may continue to release later that evening. There can be exceptions to this, of course, but most clients continue their day without urgency to eliminate. 

  • How does Colon Hydrotherapy affect the Bacteria balance in my body?

    Colon hydrotherapy does not flush all good or bad bacteria out of the body. Through the removal of toxicity overload from the colon, the beneficial bacteria have a cleaner habitat facilitating their reproduction and multiplication, therefore achieving a positive bacterial balance.

  • Will laxatives have the same results?

    No. Laxatives can assist in emptying the colon short term but tend to have an irritating effect on the colon. Laxative use results in watery diarrhea which passes through the intestine but leaves hardened waste around the colon wall. Laxatives use chemical or herbal formulations to produce an evacuation. Long-term use of laxatives can cause dependency and increase bowel dysfunction. Colon hydrotherapy only uses warm, filtered water to remove built-up waste. Rather than causing dependency, Colonics strengthen the peristaltic action of the colon.

  • Can Colon Hydrotherapy improve my skin complexion?

    Most definitely. The old adage “Beauty comes from within” couldn’t be any truer in the sense that without having ‘inner’ health within, we cannot be healthy on the outside. Many fail to realise that our skin is the largest eliminatory organ of the body. Our skin is a porous layer that allows impurities both in and out of the body. Whether we want to remove toxins absorbed through our skin or want to avert the release of toxins out through the skin, colonics are an essential part of the solution.

    In addition to the skin, the body has several ways to eliminate toxins. This includes the bowel, liver, lungs and kidneys. If the bowel fails to adequately remove these toxins, the old decaying waste in the bowel is absorbed into the bloodstream and is taken to be processed by the other eliminatory organs. Some of the toxins are taken by the blood towards the skin, where they seep through, contributing to a variety of skin conditions, including acne, redness of the skin from surface capillaries, eczema and psoriasis. Clients often comment on the change in the complexion of the skin and the healthy glow they gain through cleansing the body with colonics.

  • Can I have a colonic if I am having a period?

    Yes. The Colonic Coach practice is prepared to accommodate women on their period. The body is naturally cleansing/detoxing already, so it is a fine time to have a colonic. Colonics are a natural modality to incorporate to soothe some unwanted associated period symptoms like gas, bloating, cramps/pain and constipation. The removal of a tampon or menstrual cup is necessary during the treatment.

  • Are there any contraindications preventing a Colon Hydrotherapy treatment?

    You should not be treated with colon hydrotherapy if you currently or have recently suffered from any of the following conditions:

    • Anal Fissures
    • Colitis (currently painful and bleeding)
    • Colon Cancer (presently undergoing treatment)
    • Colon, Rectal or Abdominal Surgery (within the last six months)
    • Colostomy
    • Crohn's Disease
    • Extremely High Blood Pressure
    • Gastro-Intestinal Haemorrhage
    • Intestinal Perforations
    • Kidney failure (Dialysis or Renal Insufficiency)
    • Liver failure
    • Pregnancy
    • Undiagnosed severe abdominal pain

    It is advisable to postpone your colonic in these certain cases. Please contact The Colonic Coach if you have any concerns.

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